What is a Promotion Extension?

Promotion extensions extend your Text Ads to give information about specific promotions, specials and sales that are on offer. They are useful for promoting occasions sales and specials that your business is offering and you can include a percentage or monetary amount to be discounted – this also includes “up to 𝓍 $ off” or “up to 𝓍 % off”, should your special or deal be formatted that way. They can be centred around popularly promoted occasions or no occasions at all and can also include promotional codes, should you need to display them. 

They are especially useful when the need to change your special or occasion sale presents itself and you don’t want to change your Text Ad copy. You can make changes to your promotion extensions without it affecting your Text Ad’s performance. It displays as an extra line of text underneath your regular Text Ad, giving your customers additional information without needing to put it in your headline copy – leaving you with enough space to build a good quality Text Ad and include your sale.

Being based on occasions, you can set the text to display according to the dates of specific occasions, those being: 

*Not available in Dutch, Norwegian, Hebrew and Japanese languages
**Not available in Malay, Polish and Hebrew languages

They will look similar to this: 

A $ off example
A % off on orders over $ amount example

Source of article: Use promotion extensions

Source of images: Source of Image: Google Ads Promotion Extension Preview

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